
Healing Hooves: Effective Treatment for Horse Wounds

Healing Hooves: Effective Treatment for Horse Wounds

Horses, with their curious nature and active lifestyles, are susceptible to various types of wounds. From minor cuts and abrasions to more serious injuries, it's essential for horse owners and caretakers to have the knowledge and skills to treat wounds effectively. Prompt and appropriate wound care promotes healing and also helps prevent complications to ensure your horse's well-being. In this blog, we will explore some key guidelines and techniques for treating horse wounds effectively. Assess the Severity When encountering a wound on your horse, it's crucial to assess the severity before proceeding with treatment. Determine whether it is a superficial scrape,...

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Five Factors of Hay Quality

Five Factors of Hay Quality

To most individuals passing through rural areas, hay seems simple. Its dry, tough, and it feeds livestock. However there’s more to hay than meets the eye. Hay is one of those grasses where it is particularly hard to see the quality and composition. The best way to truly know the quality of hay you are using is to test it. Essentially, hay quality is affected by five major factors; stages of maturity, leafiness, color, foreign matter, and odor and condition. Out of all of these factors, the stages of maturity are the most important. The growth stage of the hay...

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Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Why Every Dog Should Be Tagged

Dogs are often described as man’s best friend. As owners we believe that our dog sees us the same way. Yes, they are our pets and yes, they are animals, but we treat them like they are family. To take a quote from a popular Disney Movie, ‘family means nobody gets left behind.’ Losing a dog can be devastating. In case of an emergency, you need to be able to find your pet, or for other people to be able to notify you if they find your furry family member. This is why every dog should be tagged first and...

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Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

Difference Between Store Bought Eggs and Fresh Farm Eggs

If you had pulled me aside when I was younger and asked if I knew the difference between store bought and fresh farm eggs, my response would most likely be, ‘eggs are eggs.’ Basically, I didn’t think there was a difference and all eggs were just delicious.  However, there is a difference between the two. I first learned this difference when I went to college in Central New York. Central New York is where I developed a passion for farmer’s markets, the concept of farm to table, and the importance of supporting your local community. So what is the real...

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The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

The Best and Safest Ways to Feed a Horse

Understanding the basic dietary needs of your equine friend is an essential part of ownership. Horses are foragers, meaning they graze. Meeting this natural characteristic is imperative.• Hay: Hay is commonly the preferred source of forage. A safe calculation is 1 pound of hay to every 100 pounds of a horse’s body weight. Allowing a horse to have access to hay all day helps promote a healthy digestive process.• Best Practice for Feeding: The amount of feed given on a daily basis should be determined by the horse’s size and work load. A normal leisure walking horse might have a...

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